Minimal Portfolio Resume CV Template
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Peringkat: 4.5 of 5
Minimal Portfolio Resume CV Template is is Main Page Design Website. It is a resume html home cv designer bootstrap template. This website theme make with bootstrap. It's portfolio cv have 6 homepage. Hashim Template have particles, black, water, bubble, banner version etc. Hashim theme has CSS and JQuery Effects. This website is a unique clear theme. Hashim is a resume cv template bootstrap template. It is makes resume cv website template. It is minimal main page home website landing page website. This is a unique html website minimal page portfolio website.

Key Features:

Clear Website
CV Website
Resume Design
6 Homepage Theme
Easily To Modify
Build With Bootstrap
Personal Theme
Html Theme
Clean Code
Material Theme
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Note: Live preview images is not included in the download package. This is only for preview purposes.