Web Designer Resume Template
スライドの数: 2
$ 1
$ 1


評価: 0.0 of 5
This is a professional responsive portfolio template that is built with Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5, and jQuery. If you are looking for an elegant personal portfolio theme for displaying your projects and creative works, then you can choose this HTML Template. it's produced by bootstrap framework, CSS3, and HTML5. If you are a creative professional like a Designer, freelancer, or digital marketer it's only for you. Keira theme was written in valid and clean HTML & CSS3 code. It is very easy to customize and also well documented so it’ll suit your needs.

- Built With Bootstrap
- Ultra Super Fast
- CSS3 Animations
- Particles JS Animation
- Mobile Navigations
- W3C Validated Code
- Fully Responsive to all devices
- Developer Friendly Coding
- Sticky Navigation
- Very Well Documented
- Free Updates

Files Included:

- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Font Files
- PHP Files for the Contact Form

NOTE: All Images are for Demo Purposes and are not included in the Main File.