Case Study Flyer Template
슬라이드 수 2
단일 템플릿
$ 1
고급 패키지
$ 299

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This is Case Study Flyer Template:
This Design Contains 01 awesome templates for your business needs. Very easy to edit . Ready to Print & 100% Free Font used ( Font Link in Information File)


-Easy Customizable and Editable
-CMYK Color Design in 300 Resolution
-Layered & Organize
-100% free Font
-8.27x11.69 Inches (With 0.25 Bleed)
-Help File Included
-Information File Included

**Files Included**

-01 Ai File
-01 Eps File
-02 Jpg File
-01 Help file
-Font Download Link (Included in Information File)

**Min Software Version**

-Adobe Illustrator Cs6

If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me through my profile . If you have a moment, please rate this item.